- Flowers, walks and time outside: This time of the year our neighborhood becomes beautiful with flowers and everything turning green. We have been enjoying strolls to the park and time outside on the patio to get some fresh air. The trees bloomed and the city really showed off.
- Machine Shop Makers Market and Nicollet Island Pavilion Market: Two venues in our neighborhood hosted makers markets on the same day so we were able to walk and check them both out. One was at The Machine Shop (hosted by Minneapolis Craft Market) and the other was at The Nicollet Island Pavilion (hosted by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board).
- Mother's Day: I spent Mother’s Day with my mom having coffee at SK Coffee in St. Paul - we lucked out with a beautiful sunny day! After our lattes we went out to the cemetery where my grandma and grandpa are. We ended the day with lunch on our patio with the whole family. I even got a beautiful plant from Frankie for Dog Moms Day.
- Minneapolis Sculpture Garden Art Fair: We ventured over to the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden near the Walker Art Center for the first Sculpture Garden Art Fair. What a great event! Lots of wonderful artists and makers set with the city background and awesome sculptures.
- Art-A-Whirl and Doors Open Minneapolis: If you haven’t been to Art-A-Whirl ever, mark your calendar to attend next year! This annual weekend event that highlights and showcases hundreds of local artists is a weekend full of walking around, music and cool things in NE Minneapolis. We also visited one of the sites for Doors Open Minneapolis - the A Mill Artist Lofts and saw into the tunnels of the old Pillsbury Flour Mill.
- Dog Market at Saint Paul Brewing: We love taking Frankie to different breweries, especially when there is a dog focused event happening. We checked out the dog focused market at Saint Paul Brewing and got Frankie a new sporty bandana! Their patio is huge with lots of cool seating areas and decorations.
- New card designs: This month also came with some fun new card designs including Blooming Beauties, Donut Sweets Birthday and more! Also a very fun custom Bull Terrier Card order!
Just finished reading: Somehow - Thoughts on Love by Anne Lamott
Currently reading: When Harry Met Minnie by Martha Teichner